
- This page collects up Lip's moveset, and maybe after some time, her playstyle. So far only moves coverring her special attacks, Final Smash and miscellanous animations (taunts, victory poses, etc) has been made by me, but if you do have any suggestions for Lip, don't hesitate to suggest them in Panel De Pwnage-group in Smashboards. Access the link leading to it in the first post of this blog. -


Bio: From Nintendo's long-running puzzle series Panel De Pon, known as Puzzle League outside of Japan, Lip is Fairy Of Flowers, who appears to be the main mascot of the series.

Back in the peaceful days when she lived in her homeland Popples, the Devil King Thanatos had casted a spell all over the Popples's kingdom, affecting the residents of the land and causing fighting amongst the fairies. Lip was luckily unaffected due to her magic stick.
Lip then had to defeat each of her fairy friends to return their personalities to normal, by facing off them in fairies' favorite game called Panepon. After breaking every spell from her friends, she proceeded to face off against Thanatos.

Lip hasn't much appeared these days aside from things referring to her in SSB but she made a secret appearance in Planet Puzzle League. Recently she's also been found having developed role in Skip's action adventure game Captain Rainbow.

Personality-wise she's optimistic and little tomboyish: she has very good confidence on herself. This might be little problematic for her: despite her confidence she's not sure of herself and her destiny as a new queen. As seen from her appearances The Fairy Of Flowers has a lot of charm.


Panel De Pon (1994)
Planet Puzzle League (2007)
Captain Rainbow (2008)

Series Emblem:


Size: 4/10 (Her size is slighly same as Diddy's.)
Weight: 2.5/10
Power: 5/10
Jump:8/10 (Very Light)

- Overview -

- Lip's primary weapon is her flower magic which utilisizes flowers and other natural plantlife as it's inspiration. For stronger attacks, she uses her stick which plants a flower on her enemies and sap up their power, increasing damage.
Shortly she'll be a mix of Ivysaur and Zelda, except replacing grass powers with flower magic.

-She's very light, considering she's a fairy: in fact, she can actually "hop" on the air three times. This gives her 3 midair jumps.
Unfortunately her lightness makes her easy to juggle and KO in smaller percentages than most of the cast, but the three extra jumps make up for it.

-Along the battle, Lip tends to emit and drop flower petals to the ground, much like Pit losing his feathers. This also happens when she's knocked far away.

Character Animations.

Entrance: A rainbow comes from the other side of the screen. Lip runs down from it, jumps off to the stage and quickly raises her stick, which opens and spreads it's petals, saying "Ikuso!" while looking at the camera. This then switches to her stance animation.

Origin: Rainbows were her main means of transportation in Panel De Pon, so this is spot-on for her as an entrance. See here:

Also, everytime she had arrived at her cursed friend's destination, she would also raise her stick and say same words above: The stick also would open up it's petals by itself. See that here:

Stance: She rocks her body carefreely, while smiling. Surely, the Smash World isn't a stressful place for a fairy which has competed in her own puzzle game.

Origin: See her sprite in Vs Mode of PDP. This is also referred to her usual stance when you talk to her in Captain Rainbow.

Idle Animations:

1. When some moment has passed, she'll hop up from the ground and starts to float for few seconds.To give you the idea, she's attempting to float like Mewtwo from Melee.

After two seconds when she confidently tries to keep herself on the air, she suddenly loses control and falls down clumsily. Lip quickly gets up back to her usual stance.

: Her floatiness is inspired by how she tends to make funny flips and stances occasionally in Captain Rainbow, somewhat. Also this is in context that she's very light, and can use her magic powers to float herself. Although it seems she's not yet very good at controlling it.

2. Occassionally she'll groom herself, but suddenly she sees how flowers start to grow around her. She crouches down to look at them admiredly, and then gets up.

Special Moves

B: Fairy Seed (Varying Damage and Knockback)

- Lip throws out a colored seed. The seeds come in six colors, red, green, cyan, violet and blue.
If it latches on an opponent, they're "marked", as the seed stays on them. Pressing B again makes her throw another seed, sometimes different-colored. Lip can latch three seeds on her enemies, though the opponent can be shake them off if you rapidly mash the buttons or the shake the control stick.

The catch here though is not to throw seeds on the opponents only. If the opponent is "seeded" and Lip presses B while near him, she starts to bat the opponent tactically with her stick, dealing quick damage. The seed grows by every hit of the stick, in three phases: it starts as a seed, becomes a sprout, then stem, and finally blooms into a flower. By every phase, the damage upon hitting the opponent builds up in strength.
If Lip hits the flower, it explodes, which has decent to semi-high knockback, depending on how many seeds you've planted on your enemy, or the seeds' type.
The more seeds you've planted, the more longer you can continue your attack, Lip grows only one seed at time (shortly it means if you planted two seeds, you can attack six times.)

- Different kind of seeds (and thus flowers) do different kind of status effects while attacking.

1.Green Seed. (Represents Green Circle Block from PDP, appears 40% of the time) No status effect, flower is something ordinary. damage: 2% per hit, no knockback.

2. Yellow Seed (Represents Yellow Star Block from PDP, appears 40% of the time) - Flower might be a daisy or a sunflower? Spark element, 2-3%. per hit.

3. Red Seed (Red Heart Block, appears 30% of the time) Fiery, effect, would be fiery flower, to codify this we might put in a Fire Flower as the growing flower. 4-6% per hit.

4.Purple Seed (Purple Diamond Block, appears 20% of the time) - Dark element, poisons, damage: 8-9 per knockback.
A poisoned, or disturbing-looking flower.

5. Cyan Seed (Cyan Triangle Block, appears 10% of the time), Icy effect, 10%-12% per hit. Enemies are frozen for quick period if the flower is exploded. A shardy flower.

6. Blue Seed (Blue Upside Down Triangle, appears 10% of the time), 13%-15 per hit, fiery explosion occurs if you explode the flower, with a huge knockback.

7.Grey Seed (Represents the !-panels which give a garbage block without needing to combo or chain. appears 10% at time), 13-16% per hit, huge knockback.

Sometimes Lip would throw a black dud seed which absorbs the damage from the stick and doesn't do any damage or knockback. This prevents this special move to be overpowered.

- The effective way to use this is to throw decent amounts of seeds, depending on your skill. You must also press the button quickly to deal the damage and carry the combo to the end.
Why is this is because if you can go on growing the seeds planted on your enemy successfully, your attack builds on power by every hit until the end of the combo. (Think like Fury Cutter from PKMN.)

So, the more seeds = harder it is to execute the combo to the end, but it also deals more damage and knockback than just with one seed.

- When you hit the enemy with a seed on it, a combo marker (from Panel De Pon) shows your current hits as the combo. Say, if you land six hits (by planting two seeds on your enemy), you get a 6x chain combo with a fanfare.

Origin: I had to think a for a long time until I came up with an unique way to give her a great alternative that translates the combo system of Panel De Pon, while keeping her incharacter and making use of her powers. This took me sometime to write out thoughtfully.

The seeds represent the tiles used in Puzzle League and the method hitting the seed three times until it explodes is a translated from the mechanic making three same tiles to connect:

The mechanic of growing each seed in succession is again based on chain system used in Puzzle League: in order to chain, you had to first connect three tiles as usual, then arrange quickly three another same tiles in quick succession to create a chain:

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

This is present in this special by the technique of trying to grow each seed in quick succession,which builds up the attacks' power.

Also, the skill plays a great role here: the more seeds you have used on the opponent, the more it's easier for them to drop, but it's more rewarding to carry the combo to the end, as the move builds in power everytime you hit your enemies, and if really carried on to the end, can do considerately high damage and knockback: this references on the hard aspect of "skillchaining" which is a technique where you skillfully keep chaining on and on in Puzzle League, which becomes very rewarding at the end:

Step 1:

Step 2:

Conclusion: and

(BTW, The rule of chaining a lot and mastering it applies to many puzzle games out there, too. Look at Puyo Puyo for example.)

The fanfare of course comes from the Puzzle League-series in general: when you pull off 3x chain in Puzzle League, you're met with a congratulating fanfare, that gets more applauding if you chain longer. This time in SSB4, Lip gets this fanfare only if she successfully grows two seeds or more.

Kirby Hat: Kirby gains Lip's ponytail, complete with the pink ribbon! He gains the ability to use Fairy Seeds and also can make them grow with his replica of Lip's Stick.
See the reference here:

Side B: Quick Swap (8%, electric horizontal knockback.)

- Lip waves her wand forwards: suddenly, a glowing, luminent- lines shaped like the "cursor" from Puzzle League-games appears around Lip- also the another side of it appears in front of her. Lip then pulls her stick back while holding it with both of her hands, which makes the cursor swap the position of Lip and her target at her front lightning fast. Lip also goes through people with this move, which deals some damage and electric stun knockback.

- This can be used on one opponent or projectiles. This is quite an unique dodge maneuver technique for Lip, as you can move your opponents behind you, and even dodge projectiles this way. For example, if you see a Bob-Omb being thrown at you, you dodge it by letting it swap places with Lip and then continue it's direction. Lip can't get hit by projectiles because how cursor makes her temporarily invicible for the moment of swapping, which renders her very fast.

- If Quick Swap is used on a barrel, crate, Wario Bike or similar heavy items, Lip has little lag (as she pulls it with laboured expression her face.), and can't attack with it.

- There's also one minor mechanic implemented on this: as Lip can catch an opponent or an item, and switch places with him/it, or she can pull of few advanced techniques:

Passing The Bad Baton: If you've been just being thrown out of the stage, but you're making it near the edge to grab on, you might expect your opponent be there "edgeguarding" it, right?

If you time it right and use Quick Swap successfully right near your enemy, you'll swap the places with your opponent, which enables you to reach the ground successfully, being at your enemy's former place, while your opponent take your role as the one falling down on the stage, taking damage and some knockback which blows them farther away after the swap-- if they're just using an attack them makes them helpless, good for you, as they're rendered numb in midair after. Watch them plummet to their doom.

Drop The Tile: Also, when you're on an object ignoring gravity, for example, a floating platfom, you can tactically drop a dangerous item behind you by Quick Swapping it to make it hit opponents below you. This though is trickier to pull off, depending on the stage, and the items themselves- which is why it's more of a minor technique. An ideal items to pull this is a Smart Bomb, or a Crate. This technique is loosely based on the mechanic of being able to drop tiles in Panel De Pon:

Origin: Quick Swap refers to the core mechanic of Puzzle League that uses a cursor to swap tiles around. See these pictures for it:

The Cursor:

The Swapping:

Dropping The Tile:

Dropping the tiles have also translated for this move, albeit minorly as dropping enemies of the edge like in Yoshi's Egg Lay, albeit it doesn't paralyze them, or using the above mentioned "Drop The Tile"-technique.

Up B: Watabou (12% Damage, Medium Knockback.)

- The floating, fluffy balloon-like creature in which Lip is holding on in title screen for Panel de Pon appears to aid Lip. When you press Up-B, Watabou appears from underneath of Lip and catches a breeze, which makes it float up. Lip quickly grabs it's tail and holds into it, while drifting upward signifantly.

- Watabou though can't carry Lip long: it acts like a cotton flower, which is first taken with a windy breeze, then losing it after a moment, so it has to descend on the ground. Lip can hold into it while descending down, but after a while when Watabou loses the breeze, it will become heavier and starts to fall down with Lip.

When used on the ground, Lip jumps up and does the same, but the enemies near her are damaged by Watabou rapidly (like in Peach's Parasol) and at the top height of attack's range, the creature explodes into fluff of cotton! This deals 12% and decent knockback.
(This is intended to refer at Dr.Mario's Super Jump Punch.)

Origin: As mentioned above, Watabou appears at title screen for Panel De Pon. I took a cue from Floaty Fluffs from Super Mario Galaxy and made Watabou like a huge cotton flower for Lip to glide on.

See Lip holding into Watabou here:

Down B: Garbage Block. (16 - 27% Damage, Medium-High Horizontal Knockback)

- This is a chargaeble attack. Lip spins her wand around as it builds in magical power (which can be charged 4 seconds), and when you release the button, she shouts "Ikuso! while pointing her stick to the sky.
Suddenly, a pink, smiling garbage block decorated with floral patterns will rain down on front of her. Lip takes a second to do this attack and then become controllable again. Using this attack in the air renders Lip helpless.

- These will deal up to 15, to 27% damage, depending how long you've charged your garbage block. Lip can charge for 5 seconds, but is open to attack.
Garbage Blocks are great for stalling, but their best use comes from edgeguarding, as the Garbage Blocks (naturally) can meteor smash opponents if they're in midair.

- A regular, small block does 15% damage. However, the more you charge your attack, the more bigger garbage blocks you can summon, even up to five platforms high. 1 time of 15, Lip can get lucky and summon some extra junk blocks after the one she's charged attack on, which are regular, uncharged ones.

- When a garbage block has landed on the ground, it act can be picked up and thrown to act as an additional platform. Depending on it's size it gets heavier and more difficult to throw it up, if even pick it up at all. Lip can have only two of these garbage blocks on the ground. These are breakable like the platforms in Skyworld-stage in Brawl. The regular junk blocks have the same damage meter needed to be depleted to break them, but their durability increases in their size.

Origin: Puzzle League-series of course pit you use combos and chains to make garbage drop on your opponent. The more combo's you scored, the more wider your block became. The more you scored chains, it started to get layers and grow bigger:

Here's how it is like when you chain it once: (2x)

And here's when you chain it two times (x3):

and here's how you chain it three times: (x4):

And have also look at how huge it is when it's been chained four times. (x5):

Lip's garbage blocks will borrow her original design for them, which was referenced by Kirby's Stone-move in SSBM/SSBB.

Final Smash: Walk On Rainbow (Varying Damage of 10-80%, No Knockback)

" Before you read, I hugely recommend that you take a look at the origin of this move below, so you'll understand more how this move works like."

After you break the Smash Ball, the stage's background gets little cloudy- Suddenly, a huge feminine figure emerges in the same style as Palutena in Pit's Final Smash.

That's Lip's mother, Cordelia- She makes the stage much sunnier, while there's some drippling rain coming down. As the clouds go away, Lip looks delightedly up the sky. A rainbow slowly starts appear above her, (about a width of that of Battlefield) which is above the stage. She'll then run on top of it. This scenario takes though 3 seconds (Kinda like how Pit's Final Smash begins)

Now you get a another screen which lets you play Puzzle League! Score combos and chains by swapping the tiles and making same tiles connect with each other. As you score combos and chains like usually in Puzzle League-games, you build up Lip's power to her wand.

After 10-second play, the screen disappears, and Lip will unleash a huge flower spell that spreads across the stage. The effectiveness of the Final Smash is based on your skill: the range and the amount of flowers, the durability of the flowers on enemies' heads, and how rapidly they increase their damage meter.

Along with it Lip fills the stage in flowers of all kind as a temporary decoration (similar to how Mario Final leaves some flickering flare on ground after travelling along it.)-- The flowers though aren't there as temporary decoration: it seemingly slows down the characters. Thus, when Lip falls down from the rainbow after it poofs off at the end of the Final Smash, she can go knock her slowly-moving opponents out.

Tips Regarding The Final Smash

- To give this move a catch so it will not be overpowered, her attack isn't very effective if it's used on the ground, because the range of flower spell will be quite small, even if you score very well done chains and combos. Lip also can be hit during the time when she tries to pull of her final smash on the rainbow, and if hit enough times (depending on her damage), she'll flinch and loses control.

This is why you need to activate the Final Smash while being as high above the stage as you can: Lip's flower spell gets more range the more she's above the ground, and opponents also can't hit you so easily.

- While the enemies. enemies can also avoid being trapped in the huge flowerbed by staying airborne, but still, there's the flowers they have to remove. At the end, as mentioned above, the more well you do in scoring and make sure you use the final smash as high as you can above the stage, the more harder is for your opponents to avoid it and it's effects.

- As mentioned above, this move gets more effective and is very suited for you if you have played Puzzle League before, and are familiar with comboing and chaining.
How then, you ask?

As seen in Puzzle League/Panel De Pon in general, you don't though get very high score by just making three tiles connect together all the time: the combo's and more importantly, chains, give more points to add on your score than just regular tile connecting. So try to learn comboing and chaining, to really makes this Final Smash a killer. I recommend learning to skillchain, because that might really make your score get huge.

Thus, as you can see, Walk On The Rainbow's power depends on your skill, which is in context with Puzzle League's underlying competitive manner.

Origin: When browsing internet about what Lip was suggested to have as her Final Smash, I was dumbfounded by the fact that everyone thinks her final smash should consist her using panels and junk block to attack her opponent.
But of course, back in that time, I didn't any better clue as well, since I didn't anything that would be more incharacter to her.

Long time after, I started to watch a walkthrough of Captain Rainbow.
As the game's theme was to to help Nintendo's forgotten characters, there were one to two main missions to help them.(Lip had two missions)
In second mission where Nick regained his powers to create a rainbow above him, he had to help Lip on her second mission: at near end of it, he made out a huge rainbow for her. Lip ran on it, and then, she pulled of the same flower spell all over Mimin Island, filling many places in flowers.

Here's the video which showcases this:

This kind of magic spell as her final smash is more incharacter for her, besides Lip has always ran on rainbows during PDP: this has been referred on Captain Rainbow where she has a drawing on her room depicting herself on a rainbow. She also ran on a rainbow end credits of Panel De Pon. (Of course, Yoshi followed the suit

Shortly this Final Smash describes her love for rainbows and her powers a Flower Fairy. Also the mechanic is of Final Smash has been centered playing of Puzzle League/Panel De Pon successfully, to let Puzzle League-fans give out their best of their skill when they use it.


Up Taunt: Lip throws her fist in the air and says "Yatta!" (Might be localised as: "Yeah!" )

Origin: Refers to her sprite from her stage in PDP when in one-player. She would always say ”Yatta!” when winning in the game, be it VS mode, 1P mode, etc.
See the pose here:

Side Taunt: Lip takes a flower and smells it. Suddenly she makes a powerful sneeze, blowing off the petals of that poor flower.
The sneeze can push her opponents, but just a little bit.

Origin: According to Captain Rainbow she has developed an allergy for flowers, which Nick can help cure by getting her a medicine from Crazy Tracy's mansion.
The taunt also her humorous, seeing as she's ironically a "Fairy of Flowers".

Have a look at this origin here:

Down Taunt: Lip floats up, while enveloped by a gust that spins around her while carrying petals around.

Origin: Might be inspired by Lip's backdrop art from PDP which also had petals flying around her.

Victory Poses

1. Lip hops continuosly while saying Yatta!, but suddenly slips and falls on the ground, sitting. She smiles awkwardly while rubbing her behind and looks at the camera.

Origin: In Score Attack, when you get to last stage which features Thanatos, Lip had to use her powers to defeat him. When Lip gains victory, she'd hop happily and continuosly, while Thanatos plummets (somewhere) on his doom.
Here's the video showcasing this scene and Lip hopping for her victory afterwards:

The clumsiness is just there to make sure it's not a copy of Ice Climbers' Up Taunt in Brawl and one of their victory poses. Besides, it'll look quite cute.

2. Lip sits on her big yellow flower (as in the menu in Panel de Pon), while saying "Did you have fun?" in japanese.

Origin: As mentioned above the flower where she sits on is taken directly from Panel De Pon's menu:

The phrase she says in japanese is also taken from the second tutorial in tutorial mode of Panel De Pon where she would greet the player with almost same manner:

3. Lip's rabbit runs to her as she grabs it's paws and spins it around once playfully. Lip then holds the rabbit on her lap and winks for the camera.

Origin: Lip has a rabbit on her stage in single player mode for Panel De Pon (Endless, Time Attack, Puzzle, etc)

Lose Pose: Lip's sitting on the ground, looking sad while she looks to the grounded gloomily. In a common tradition for Puzzle League-series having characters, a panel occassionally drops on her.

Origin: When you get a game over in Panel De Pon, Lip does the same pose of defeat, while panels are dropped on her. The pose looks like: this:

Also, the tradition of dropping panels on the player in game over has occurred for Yoshi in Tetris Attack, and Ash in PKMN Puzzle League- This is kept intact for Lip in her losing pose.
See here: